provides information and the history of U.S federal holidays



Miami-Dade County Public School's multicultural and multilingual programs have served as a model to the rest of the country for many years. We have a curriculum designed to serve the needs of the cultures represented in our community. Our primary purpose continues to be to educate ALL our students about American heritage and culture. We must teach about the efforts of those immigrants who came before and made it possible for us to enjoy the high standard of living they fought to attain. The Social Studies curriculum is designed to teach students how to be good American citizens.

In response to this need, the Dial-A-Teacher program will feature an on-going web page celebrating our National Holidays. This web site will feature information to enhance our knowledge of the people and the events surrounding our patriotic holidays. These dates are so significant in our history that our elected officials have proclaimed that the entire nation stop, think and observe their occurrence. Therefore, each holiday will be presented chronologically with additional information about related issues and ramifications for the future. A generic lesson plan will be provided for each holiday with suggestions for classroom activities for the Secondary level. Enjoy the celebration!!!

I was there at San Juan Hill, the trenches of France, in the Argonne Forest, Anzio, Rome, on the beaches of Normandy, Guam, Okinawa, Korea and KheSan, Saigon, Vietnam know me, I was there. I led my troops, I was dirty, battleworn and tired, but my soldiers cheered me.

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