
Fremont Pathfinders Barbershop Chorus - Home Page


"The mission of the Pathfinder Chorus is to pursue musical excellence through the medium of barbershop harmony, to provide fellowship for singers, and to provide service to the community."

We are the Fremont, Nebraska Chapter in the Central States District of The Barbershop Harmony Society. Our name comes from a famous explorer of the western United States, John C. Fremont, for whom our community is named. The Pathfinder Chorus, under the direction of P.D. Stibor, has entertained audiences throughout the Midwest and has competed in the Central States District Chorus Contest since the chorus was organized. The chorus is made up of over 80 men from more than a dozen towns and cities in the Fremont area. Founded in 1972, the chapter has adopted an enthusiastic program that includes music education, participation in Society Competitions, youth outreach, and service to the community. In addition we stage annual shows and share the pleasure of barbershop harmony while performing for our communities in a variety of formats. Currently we are THE top-ranked chorus in Nebraska, and are the third-ranked chorus in our district.

The Pathfinder Chorus can provide your company, group, sporting event, convention, meeting or banquet with a complete package show including chorus and quartets, tailored to your program and schedule. For more information, contact Brian Lackey, President of the Fremont Pathfinders at (402) 753-6409 or send him an e-mail.

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