
We offer a fine selection of natural beauty products and natural skin care products as well as natural cosmetics for healthy skin.


Excerpted from the website:

We are holistic health practitioners offering natural skin care solutions for real skin care problems. Our clients are not perfect people with model perfect skin. They are people who have the same issues with their skin as you and I. Your skin is the largest organ in your body. It is a living thing that is constantly changing. Of course you are going to have break outs and fine lines, it's part of life. What does not have to go on your skin and into your body are the chemicals found in some skin care and cosmetic products. It's been scientifically proven, skin absorbs some of what we put on it. That's how trans-demal patches work. Just as we look at labels for products that we consume, it's time we start taking a look at the chemicals that we are putting into our bodies through the skin.
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22365 El Toro Rd, #293
Lake Forest CA 92630 US


OrganicBeauty, Lucila Wooton
+1 949 859 0293, Fax: +1 949 859 0293

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