

Royalty Free Music, Background Music Clips, Production Music Loops, Buyout Royalty Free Music Library


Our virtual music library contains thousands of music files, giving you a huge selection of tracks. We offer the widest selection of track durations and versions, including 10, 15, 30, 60 & 120-seconds, Loops, Sub-Mix, and Transitions/Stingers, in virtually every musical style. You have the option of purchasing immediate music downloads or purchasing a CD with a compilation of tracks. You can purchase the whole Opuzz library on DVDs. We also have music loop CDs specially catered to web, multimedia and game developers.

In everything we do, we have you in mind - from the segmentation of industry needs, to musical selection, offering all tracks in the exact file formats & durations, to being able to download and preview every track in the library before making your purchase. You know what you get exactly when you purchase our music.

Our store opens 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and delivers all your purchases directly to you efficiently, which means unparallel ease & convenience for you.

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