is listing great movies in every category imaginable.

only-good-movies.png is a website and a blog about good movies of all kinds. The site covers anything that someone interested in good movies in any genre might be interested in, and the content is constantly being expanded.

Our goal is to provide our users with lists of interesting and high quality movies in a wide range of genres.

What's New at

Some of our most recent blog posts include:

We update our blog at least five days a week, and often even more often than that.

Critical Juncture - Movie Critic Interviews

On a regular basis, we interview movie critics for the Critical Juncture - Movie Critic Interviews section of the blog. Some of our most recent interviews include:

Please visit regularly to see who the latest movie critic is that we've interviewed.

What's Popular at Only Good Movies

Some of our most popular articles and blog posts ever include:

Our lists of good movies cover every genre imaginable besides these. We list good movies in categories like romantic comedies, horror movies, Korean movies, and many more.


The easiest way to contact is via email, at .

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