
Yoga classes and retreats by Neighborhood Yoga


Yoga is an ancient system that develops awareness not only of the state of the tangible body but also the subtle voices that speak to us from places within. We are led by the breath to begin the yogic dance from separateness to union.

The Sanskrit word yoga means "to bring together" or "to make whole" and in the awakened dance of yoga, there is a joining together of body, mind and spirit. It increases mental awareness, unleashes the body's healing energies, and enhances one's ability to breathe and relax. Yoga benefits every practitioner, ranging from one physically limited to the student seeking a more vigorous challenge. Each session includes asanas (stretching and strengthening poses), pranayama (breath work), meditation and relaxation, and with continued practice yoga transforms the body in many ways:

Just as a pebble produces ripples on the surface of a calm lake, the positive effects of a consistent practice spread into all aspects of a practitioner's life. The journey inward produces muscle tone, joint flexibility and coordination -- grace and ease of movement are reborn. Struggle ceases, reflection grows and we open to acceptance and connection. Ultimately, through yoga, the body embraces equilibrium and surrenders the spirit to the infinite.

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