
New England Seabirds and Pelagic Birding


Birds that breed in the southern hemisphere come north during our summer to feed. These vacationers are seen during most of the summer. Examples are Greater Shearwater, Sooty Shearwater, South Polar Skua, and Wilson's Storm-petrel. Pelagic birding is the only way to count these birds for your North American list.

Northern breeders visit the waters off our coast after the breeding season. These birds are more likely to be seen from August into winter. Examples are Cory's Shearwater, Leach's Storm-petrel, Red and Red-necked Phlarope, the Jaegers, and Great Skua. Some juvenile northern breeders feed off our coast throughout the summer. This is perhaps why we see Manx Shearwaters all summer long. Breeding seabirds are not easy to see on the breeding grounds so again the best way to count these birds is a pelagic trip.


Emmalee Tarry
Merrimack NH
United States 03054
(603)440 3945

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