is a program which claims to teach babies sign language


Sign Language For Babies - My Baby Can Talk - DVD Series


The founders of Baby Hand Productions are committed to creating visual and audio experiences that stimulate a love for learning, through positive and entertaining experiences, at a very young age. The My Baby Can Talk

products have been developed to help your baby learn to talk to you before your baby can speak. We know, from experience, that babies can learn to talk to you with their hands if they are taught in an engaging format that delights their senses and recognizes their amazing ability to learn.

What if you were unable to speak, unable to write or unable to walk and you were completely dependent upon another person to fulfill all your needs? Now imagine that all you want is a drink of water because you are thirsty. How would you feel if you were unable to communicate that need to that person? Do you think that you might be reduced to tears and screams if you were unable to have this basic need fulfilled?

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