calendar to find fun things for kids in the Milwaukee area


Description was launched on July 15, 2002 as a resource and networking community for parents raising kids ages 0-6 years. As a one-of-kind, centralized resource, the site has caught the attention of the FOX6 Wake-Up News, CBS 58's Building "Blocks for a Lifetime, " Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and The Milwaukee Business Journal for its comprehensive presentation of time-saving information

to metro parents. Media coverage has also shined the spotlight on the site's community building efforts, specifically the ability of visitors to contribute their own parenting ideas, young children's activities, kid-friendly restaurant reviews, drive-through and delivery services finds, as well as adding to the site's extensive, full-color parks directory.

MilwaukeeMoms was founded by Pat McKenna, president of MojoWeb Productions, Inc. One afternoon in May of 2002, he read a study reporting that Milwaukee mothers ranked 8th out of 10 cities nationally for the amount of time they spend online each week, logging 19 hours and 12 minutes! Within two hours he had the site sketched out and proposed the idea to his wife, Meg, who would quickly become the editor and chief of the site. Why? Because in Pat's mind she was Milwaukee Mom #1 as mother to their daughter 4 and son 2. She was also a consistent point source for mothers in the neighborhood looking to find new and interesting things to do with their kids under 6.

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