
Mike Golding - Photos from London - Tallinn Air


My name is Mike Golding and this site is a collection of my photos, most taken in and around London. I'm very much an amateur photographer, with a bit of a creative streak. I have a background in creative design and currently work as a web developer in London, UK. I post an image per day here, sometimes more, sometimes less.

My main camera is the excellent Canon EOS 20D, digital, with a Canon 17-40L USM, Canon 35-135 IS USM, Canon EF-S 10-22 USM, Sigma 50mm EX Macro and various filters. I also use a Lomo LC-A film camera from time to time. You will also find pictures here taken using my older/other cameras, a Fuji F10, Canon 300D, Fuji FinePix 6800 and a Sony DSC-V1. Photos are taken in RAW format (when using the DSLR). I use Photoshop to process them and apply whatever is needed to make the picture look good in terms of color correction, saturation, contrast etc. However, I stop at modifying composition or adding elements that we not originally there.

If you have geek-like tendencies you might be interested to know that this site runs on Apache, PHP and MySQL and was created from scratch as an exercise to learn PHP and MySQL, and it validates as XHTML 1.0 Strict, if you're not a geek just ignore that last bit. :-) Thanks for visiting, enjoy the pictures, Mike Golding




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