
Surgery Abroad - Welcome - Cape Town, South Africa - Mediscapes


As leaders in the field of medical travel and tourism, we offer our clients a wide, very affordable range of options that not only promotes and retains the extremely competent, highly respected South African medical profession, but also allows patients to rest and recuperate in one of the world’s most breathtakingly beautiful cities. South Africa’s very favourable exchange rate offers you unrivalled value for your money: instead of cut-rate procedures that compromise on quality and standards, you’re sure of state-of-the-art facilities and world-renowned medical practitioners - in exquisite surroundings that have made the Cape increasingly popular, both for conventional holidays and for medical procedures.

Mediscapes will coordinate your travel and transport, accommodation, medical procedures and leisure activities to ensure that you are safe and well taken care of, and that every stage of your South African sojourn is faultlessly organised, leaving you free to relax and recuperate without any concerns to hinder your healing.

South Africa has been a world leader in medicine ever since Chris Barnard performed the first human heart transplant in Cape Town, so patients are assured of superior, private medical care at the hands of highly skilled professionals. Beyond that, after the procedure of your choice you’re assured of recuperation in sumptuous surroundings and complete privacy at anywhere from one of the city’s splendid bed-and-breakfast hideaways, superb small, five-star hotels to luxurious, self-catering or fully serviced private apartments or homes in a city that was recently described as the world’s number-one value-for-money destination by the prestigious Condé Nast Traveller magazine.

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Cape Town Western Cape
South Africa 8000


Cape Town Capetown
South Africa 8011



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