provides web hosting services and domain registration


Mecca Hosting ® - Fast. Reliable. Secure.


Our average support response time is less than 1 hour, but most importantly, the average resolution time is less than 4 hours. We are able to achieve this by only hiring well-trained expert support staff; you will always be dealing with the highest level support person. We don't waste any time assuming that the issue may be something on your end; rather, the issue is immediately investigated to check and verify that every part of your service is working correctly first. We also use a web-based messaging system, which means we can receive your messages faster than e-mail. All of these things help make Mecca Hosting's problem resolution times one of the fastest in the business.

All of our servers are optimized for best performance. We never host websites and e-mail on the same server, as they are two very different services. Our web servers are designed to be the best at displaying websites and our e-mail servers at managing e-mail messages. Your website will never get bogged down when a large amount of e-mail messages are received. We only use the fastest connections to the Internet and also use caching and compression techniques to help make your website load faster.

Our web-based messaging system stores all messages in a database system, which means that your messages will never be lost. It also means that there is a permanent record of all of your communications, which you always have access to.

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Mecca Hosting, Inc.
Colorado Springs CO
United States 80962-3156



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