
Cremation - MasterTouch


About Cremation

The death of a loved one brings about a host of considerations and decisions that can be very challenging to families. However, one of the trends that’s become apparent to many funeral professionals is that such a death may provide a family its first real encounter with the possibility of cremation as a thoughtful, dignified means of parting with the deceased’s remains. Beyond the technical or practical considerations surrounding cremation (see Cremation Frequently Asked Questions) what many families soon discover is that there can be many similarities between a cremation service and a traditional funeral…or…with cremation there can be a whole host of new opportunities to reflect, gather, and memorialize a loved one.

While cremation is becoming more and more popular around the world and in the United States, there are still many common misperceptions about the practice, about those offering cremation products and services, and about how families can utilize cremation within the traditional or new forms of memorial. Starting with the MasterTouch Cremation Learning Center, this section of our web site looks at cremation in-depth and features an array of resources for your own investigation. Of course, you can always learn more about cremation products, services, and practices in your area, by clicking here.

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