
Living Vision Arts Gallery - Affordable Art and Unique Gifts


The name Living Vision Arts was chosen because I believe it is important to keep a vision alive. Many of us have dreams and ideas, but often feel that it is impractical to pursue them. A vision may lie dormant or occasionally flicker. However, it is my experience that through a sustained confidence in one's ability, a vision can become the reflection of personal purpose.

I refer to my work as collassemblage—a self-coined term—because it has elements of both mediums. I work on canvas, and use acrylic paints and finishes, semi precious gemstones, minerals, beads, found objects and original photo reproductions to tell my stories. My figures are often derived from ancient forms and I particularly enjoy finding unifying combinations between unlikely objects. Sometimes a theme for a piece of work will come as a phrase that passes through my mind or from an experience that I want to find a visual expression for. Other times an idea may arise from an accidental arrangement of some beads and minerals lying on a table.

I consider myself an arranger. Many of my pieces begin with an observance of objects and a relection on the ways in which they relate to each other. It is my opinion that part of the creative process involves having vision: the ability to see the possibility and potential in the materials you work with. One of my favorite materials is what I refer to as "street metal." These are pieces of found metal, often picked up when I am cycling, which have been changed in some way due to exposure to the elements and contact with foot and vehicle traffic.

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