
Literature and Latte


Excerpted from the website:

Literature & Latte is not a software company. I thought about making it sound like one - by calling it something grand such as "Lucid Eye Software" (lucidae, see?), or "Lit and Lat Technologies", or anything else ending in something vaguely technical-sounding. But that's not what this is. Literature & Latte is one guy with lofty writerly ambitions, who has written a piece of software designed to aid in the process of writing (I know that makes me a geek, but that's something I have to live with). Pretending to be a software company would imply that I was about to release a flurry of other products, but that's not the case. Scrivener and the discussion of literature and writing are the only concerns of this site. Other OS X software may appear sporadically, but only as a side effect of working on Scrivener. So, instead of using nomenclature for this site that conjures up images of sweaty programmers sitting in rooms cluttered with discarded hardware, I went with a name that I just had to use somewhere: Literature & Latte. I always said I wanted a bookshop-cum-cafe with that name, and this is the closest I'm going to get...
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Crystal Palace Park Rd


Keith Blount
+44 2087780230

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