
Lise McClendon, Author - Home Page



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Lise McClendon
Billings MT
US 59102


Born in California, raised in Delaware and Nebraska, Lise McClendon was born into an academic family where her father was a university botany professor. She credits her mother with her first strong commitment to reading, the summer she was eleven and her mother made her “lie down and read!” for an hour after lunch. Mother really does know best. Many trips to the library on bicycle, Nancy Drew mysteries, Daphne Du Maurier gothics, and adventure novels like My Side of the Mountain, marked that summer and the beginning of a lifelong love of books.

In high school in Lincoln, Nebraska, where, too social for her own good, she swam on the synchronized swimming team, sewed her own clothes, and played a ‘Hot Box Girl’ in “Guys and Dolls,” she also worked on the school newspaper and decided to pursue journalism in college. She graduated from the University of Nebraska with a double major in broadcast journalism and sociology, to suit her practical and not-so-practical sides. A fascination with people, and writing about them, led eventually to her career in fiction.

Stints as a education media producer (she once produced a twelve-part series on the making of a denture), as well as film reviewer, copywriter, p.r. flack, and freelancer led to a masters in Communications from the University of Missouri-Kansas City. The experience of Kansas City, and its dynamic history, would germinate later in the setting for her Dorie Lennox series (One O’Clock Jump and Sweet and Lowdown.) What better place to set a detective series with a Packard driving, switchblade-toting slip of a woman detective in the World War II era?

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