
LADO - A Latino/Hispanic Muslim organization that promotes Islam


Latino American Dawah Organization (LADO) was founded in September 1997 by a handful of Latino converts to Islam. LADO is a grassroots, nonprofit organization geared toward promoting Islam among Latinos and provides support to Latino Muslims. LADO distributes and makes available information about Islam in Spanish, Portuguese, and English. "¡Puro Latino! ¡Puro Islam! ¡A su LADO!"

Although membership is open to all Muslims regardless of race, LADO believes it is necessary for Latino Muslims to organize to enhance Dawah opportunities to Latinos. LADO members must seek to meet the needs of the Latino community.

LADO knows the responsibility that comes with giving Dawah. LADO seeks to preserve the teachings of the Qur'an and Sunnah. LADO members must seek to become better Muslims by continuously learning and practicing Islam.

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