Charlotte, NC web design services

Who We Are

Patrick LaJuett, is an innovative Web design company headquartered in Charlotte NC. We provide full service web development, hosting, and search marketing SEO solutions. We craft professional Web sites, competitively priced, built to last.

Web Design is What We Do

We help both large and small businesses by developing effective, functional, search friendly Websites. Our Web designers balance your business and technical requirements to construct enduring standards-based Web solutions.

Our Company Credo

Passionately design quality Web sites, focusing on functionality and performance. On time and within budget, We'll help you "get it" Online™.

User Centered Design

Our Web design team focuses on creating intuitive and logical information design. Usability studies prove that if users cannot find the content they're looking for — even if it is on your site — they will quickly go elsewhere, depriving you of a customer. Good information labeling and consistent navigation help you retain your audience and achieve your business goals.

Our Web design team creates a distinctive, compelling look and feel for your Web site. Whether your site needs a whole new look or needs to be consistent with your existing brand, we create Web solutions that fit your needs. Your Website will download quickly in a variety of platforms and browsers, be easy to navigate, and enhance your brand.

See our Web design portfolio.

Organic Search Optimization


OK, you've invested in a Website and a few people are visiting your site. But the phone isn't ringing and the orders aren't coming in. Now what? You need a strategy to help attract new visitors and convert them into customers. No worries, we can help.

We inform the Search Engines where you are and what you're all about

We manually submit your site to the leading engines and directories. Our organic search optimization process will help ensure your pages are clean and descriptive, so that the search engines can easily gobble up your site's content.

Our SEO philosophy is "keep it simple": A well planned site architecture, cleanly coded with rich and relevant content.

We strictly adhere to the Google Webmaster Guidelines. No shortcuts, tricks or unethical practices, period.


Maiden NC 28650 US

Contact Info

Patrick LaJuett
+1 585 210 0018


Patrick LaJuett was founded in 2001. Mr. LaJuett has been helping customers with their Web design and search marketing (SEO) needs since 1990.

Responsive Customer Service

Our focus is on building strong customer relationships. We value the relationships we forge with clients providing unmatched courtesy, responsiveness, and quality during each project.

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