

Kutchi.com - The Internet Community


Kutchi.com has been created to bring the KDO communities around the world closer. We would like to thank the following KDO Individuals and Organizations who been instrumental in the success of this website.

We refer to letter dated 1.3.2000 of Shri Ratilal V. Khona about the launch of your website and its purpose /activities. At the outset, please accept our heartiest congratulations and good wishes for this good effort.

It is really a very good initiative and makes us proud of your having launched this site. It will go a long way in exchanging information and more so it will a big step towards binding our community accross the continents. It is heartening that people do not forget their homeland after entering a country where interpersonal relations are less. Even community feelings also are less or non-existing. It is in this direction also your efforts will help us all in times to come. Please continue and keep it up.

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DVDand & Associates
Pleasanton CA
United States 94588



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