
Krazed Alloys


This community actually was not going to be named Krazed Alloys. Instead, we were thinking of something along the lines of Righteous Pandomonium, however that fell through. Kevin and Ryan, alias Outcast and Shiftey respectively, are U.S. Westies who thought up of the idea and pulled along Lawrence, alias Robotics, into their clubby idea. In response to their departure from a long time clan, we have since created Krazed Alloys, a U.S. West based CS club with very low commitment/time expectations. This is not a clan, it's a club, and hence we are in it for the more casual play in a social environment that is helpful to everyone involved. To this effect, we do not discriminate against any member on the basis of anything that is out of their control. This means, we equally invite U.S east players to idle our mirc channel, #krazedalloys on gamesnet. However, be advised, our club pub is located in California, and hence west players will experience lower pings as a result. Still, we hope that you will come on in and drop by: we are open to exchanging idlers as well. In short, we consider ourselves a friendly bunch of people in search of finding other people who can appreciate diversity and help promote a professional atmosphere that is favorable for this social hangout. We thank them for their ideas and hope that they continue to find the best ahead of them. The community is now managed and maintained by Jake, gaming alias of endLess. Please do not send any inquiries or community related comments to robotics, endLess will be happy to answer them for you.

I would like to caution others who are not familiar with our community on a note regarding our public server. Please know this, our rules on our server regarding the conduct of individuals is to be strictly adhered to at all times. Many people may be surprised at the number of rules and regulations as to what is and isn't allowed on the server as they are more stringent than your average server. I'd like to ask all guests, members, and admins to review these rules so that you are aware of the environment that we are trying to promote. Please see the public server section for more details. Very similar rules apply to our forums as well. Thank you for your support in this matter.

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