

Kap's Place - A home away from yours


My story

I was raised by a single, hard working mother and now it is my turn to do the same for my children - Iskander and Kalena. Before I had Iskander I assumed I would continue working out of the home. After his birth, I thought I would keep my international job and fly home on weekends, hiring a nanny to take care of my son. Little did I know that as soon as Iskander was born (the first baby to be born at Kap's Place) I wouldn't even "fly" to the bathroom without him. Following the midwife's advice, La Leche League guidelines, attachment parenting theory, the pediatrician's recommendations and my own heart, the first nine months of Iskander's life were completely dedicated to making his transition into this world as easy as possible. At the same time I began to worry about our financial situation and future. I took a job out of the home thinking it would help (the nine months dedicated to Iskander's well being did not contribute to clear thinking in other areas).

Ever since I was in college I've had two or three jobs at a time, so work did not scare me. (I have a bachelor's degree in French and International Relations from Ohio Wesleyan University and a Master's in International Business Management from the Universidad Internacional de las Américas). On the contrary, I liked work and it seemed "normal" to go back to it. Well, there was nothing normal or likeable about work that time (except meeting new people): Iskander got sick; I got sick, our life was a mess-in-the-making. I quit three months after I started and knew that now I had to turn my talent for servicing others into a viable enterprise that would support our family.

Kap's Place - a family tradition

Kap's Place is the continuation of a family tradition of "accommodating foreigner's needs." Our family has been in the hotel and tourism business for over 40 years. In addition, my stepfather, Art Staley, was from the United States and his family and friends visited often. We loved showing visitors our country and making their vacations pleasant and easy. The words "assistance, service and guests" run in our veins. I remember one early morning when I was about 16 and I was asleep in bed. My mother knocked on the door so she could "show" some "muchachos" my room. I was not very happy at the time, but in less than two hours we had adjusted our living situation to accommodate three college students my mom had met at the outdoor farmer's market!

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Kap's Place, S.A.
San Jose San Jose
CR 1000

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