
The Official Jodi Shaw Web Page


I was born in Newfoundland, Canada. My mom was a nurse and my dad a food service manager. We moved around a lot, from California to New England, where I ended up attending high school and swimming on the swim team. I still love swimming, it’s one of my favorite things, although it’s a bit tough to belong to a pool here in New York. There is an abandoned pool in my neighborhood though, and it is the biggest pool I have ever seen. It has lots of graffiti in it now, but unfortunately, no water.

Anyway, I live in Brooklyn, very close to beautiful park. They keep the lights on late at night there, so you can walk around and watch people playing soccer and throwing frisbees and walking their dogs. Sometimes a large group of people will get together and play kickball with a humongous beach ball. They asked me if I wanted to play once, but I was wearing these flappy little flip flops and I was afraid I would hurt my toes on the ball. Plus I had some soy ice cream with me and it was melting so I couldn’t stay.

From my apartment, I can look out the kitchen window into the back yard and watch lots of birds. I have seen woodpeckers, doves, pigeons, starlings, sparrows, cardinals, mockingbirds, and even a kestrel. The other day I even saw a parakeet! I have heard stories about wild parakeets living under the bridges here in the city, but I didn’t know if this one was wild or what so I stuck out my hand and he let me touch him on the wing before he flew away. I thought maybe he was hungry so I tried to throw him some sunflower seeds but he was not interested. He flew up to a telephone wire and started preening his feathers instead.

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Jodi Shaw
Dover NH
United States 08321-2042

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