

Jim Bacus - virtual microscopy inventor


Excerpted from the website:

I've grown up with computers, which doesn't seem such an odd thing to say these days, but there was no such thing as a personal computer when I started with them. My first home computer was a DEC PDP 11/20 with 24 kb of wire core memory which I built from old parts from my fathers lab. Had to bootstrap it by hand toggling the registers with switches on the front panel, the days when computers had lots of lights and switches on the front, old school. I remember my father bringing home a teletype with an acoustical 300 baud modem to connect to the mainframe at the lab and being "online" in the very early 70's. I've seen the mainframe, microcomputer and personal computer evolution and have participated and contributed through these eras professionally, particularly with microscope based computer imaging.
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