
Jerri Corgiat - Home


I've been silent online and here because through April, I've been immersed in the throes of moving! Only three miles away from my old abode, but, three or three-hundred, there's still all that sorting and packing and cleaning and painting and unpacking and...

Then there's getting to know the new place with all its quirks. One of my fave things: a lovely patio with a wraparound garden that's currently filled with blooming azaleas and rhododendrons. Yum! Happy Spring!

Favorite Author I'm always amazed when people can choose one. Or even several. I have lots of faves...depends on my mood! (But I'll admit to a long-time love for Georgette Heyer, and that one of my favorite all-time books is WHERE THE HEART IS by Billie Letts.)

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