
Irish Dolphins. Cetaceans: whales and dolphins of Ireland, including Fungie the Dingle Dolphin


Our intention is to collect, produce and disseminate information about dolphins or other cetaceans interacting with people, primarily in Irish waters or with an Irish connection.

As we are not paid to maintain this site, we are finding it harder and harder to make the time to update it. At the same time after nearly five years' work, we don’t want to take away what we believe is a unique and valuable archive of information and photos, so we will continue to keep the site online as it stands as long as we can afford to. From time to time we hope to post news and additional articles when we get chance, but be warned that there might be long gaps in between postings and that some features may be more out of date than we would like!

Of course, if there are any generous people out there who would like to sponsor us to update and expand the site, there is lots more we could do! New information is coming in fast these days, but it takes time and effort to collate it and present it....


365 Hosting Ltd.
Nangor Road
IE 12

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