


Informa Group PLC is a business information group committed to delivering essential business information to clients worldwide using a broad range of media formats. Among the formats currently used are newspapers, magazines, newsletters, books, exhibitions, CD-ROM, internet, electronic online services, conferences, training courses, workshops, seminars, distance learning courses, in-house sessions and managed events for leading international companies and governments. Over time, we have developed to become the leading global provider of market information to a wide cross-section of industries with particular emphasis on the following:

Our aim is to be media neutral: to respond to customer information requirements using whichever media are best suited for the task. We produce more than 1,500 publishing products and 3,500 conferences. The publishing products are sold to more than 80,000 subscribers and the conferences are attended by more than 150,000 delegates. Our products and services are sold in 188 countries from a base of more than 50 offices in 18 countries covering the UK, Europe, North and South America, Middle East, Asia and Australia.

Informa Law publishes a wide range of books, loose leafs, newsletters, conferences, seminars, distance learning courses, law reporting services and strategic management reports for legal professionals in areas as varied as maritime and commercial law, construction law and intellectual property law. Our publications are written and edited by independent experts and read by senior legal professionals and executives in the legal fraternity world-wide. Informa Law is part of the Informa Group PLC.

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Informa Group Plc
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland W1N8JX



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