
Philippine Directory

Description is a human edited Philippines web directory. Our editorial team reviews every site submission to help ensure the directory contains useful web resources of Philippine sites. Our goal is help organize the dizzying landscape of Philippine sites, blogs, classifieds, galleries and communities for both Filipinos and non-Filipinos alike. If you have a site you would like to submit to our web directory, please navigate to the most relevant category and click on 'Add a Link'.

Note: All of our links are direct links and 100% crawlable and indexed by the search engines. Therefore, your website gets search engine exposure by it being listed on Our editors normally review all link submissions within 24 hours. If you opted to do reciprocal linking, your site will also receive a higher page placement in

The links listed here are submitted by website owners and by the editor/s of This directory is not responsible for the availability of these sites or the information contained in these sites. does not endorse, nor it is responsible for any of the contents and other materials and products including advertisements on these sites and should not be held responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any loss or damage caused or allegedly caused by the use of information, materials, products from such sites or information you provide to such sites. Any concerns regarding listed links should be directed to their respective owners, administrators or webmasters.

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Tsikot E-Media, Inc.
Taguig City Metro Manila
Philippines 1633

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