Indiana out door recreational guide


Indiana's Premier Outdoor Information Website - - Indiana's Online Guide to Outdoor Recreation


I love to hike, backpack and kayak, but I can't often take seven day vacations. I live in Indianapolis, so I can't go too far away for just a weekend. That makes Indiana a likely (and fun) choice for a weekend destination. I created this web site because I wanted to organize Indiana's outdoor resources in one place so that I could have an easy way to plan my weekend trips. In addition, I got sick of people moaning that Indiana doesn't have any "good" places to go enjoy the outdoors.

Several years ago a friend of mine, Mark, turned a filing cabinet into a vast collection of maps and brochures for outdoor resources in Indiana. I liked it because we could pour over the maps and figure out what to do. There were two problems with his system, though. First, it was his stuff-in his house. Second, it was hard to share the information with other people.

As a computer and Internet consultant, I figured I could gain the functionality of Mark's filing cabinet by using the Internet. I set about feverishly searching for resources. Try as I might, I just wasn't able to make the Internet as productive as Mark's filing cabinet. It seemed like such a tedious process, and the information was incomplete. I figured that eventually the resources on the Internet would get better, but I wanted it now!

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5930 N. College Ave
Indianapolis IN 46220 US

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