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Hot Deals Club - frequently updated with the best deals

Welcome to the Hot Deals Club, a collection of websites and RSS feeds built by deal seekers. This website is updated continuously. Unlike other sites that claim advertisements to be "deals" so they can make a quick buck, our goal is to only show the hottest deals available because we love hot deals. We only post deals that we truly feel are hot deals, which is why our users call us the most trusted deals portal site on the Internet. This site is not responsible for any problems or errors with deal listings, thus the information herein is provided for informational purposes only. Most of our comments are backed by years of experience on each topic. Premium services such as deal alerts & old deals search are available to premium members only. If you wish to send an email or submit a hot-deal to the Hot Deals Maniac, use

Black & Decker CHV1400 14.4-Volt Cyclonic DustBuster for $35 with free shipping. Other stores sell it for at least $45 after shipping, it has excellent user reviews on Amazon, and is a top seller on Amazon today.

Tester to see how much power is left in AA/AAA/9V/C/D batteries. Purchase price is $5 with free shipping. This thing is probably not worth any more than $5, but the free shipping is nice.

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