

Jerry`s Pot Shot Articles


Excerpted from the website:

Hello once again, Well another summers come an gone. I hope you squeezed as much life out of it as you could. The Freedom Festival was pretty much the highlight of the summer for the NORML kids and me. Who would've guessed? We could've called it the Gypsy Festival, since we’ve been 3 places in as many years. I did get to meet the owner of Frontier Ranch and he struck me as someone that would welcome us back. The weather was severe, we had 3-4 inch's of water in the Cafe for a short time on Friday night. But the show went on, an on an on. We did pull one floater out. Don't hug electric cords in puddle's of water deary. Our insurance man wouldn't like it. I didn't catch every band, nobody could have possibly seen every band. Friday the Cafe ran from 6pm till 6am, Saturday I only made it until 3;30am. Willie Mac added some watt's this year, and along with Rick an Joe went beyond the call. As did Scott an Greg with the Solarfire lightshow. As I said I didn't see them all, but. Quark Space, Mojo Risin an Rude Mood would be worth your time checking out. For whatever reason the main stage holds more prestige for the bands. No offense, but in my opinion. The Cafe is the heart an soul of the party. It's more intimate. And if you don't suck, there's an instant crowd. An sometimes even if you do. I've seen main stage bands playing to 3 kids an a stray dog. The turnout was a bit low this year, but sometimes less is better. It was sad to see Tie Dye Harvest’s last show, thank's. Like, how bout a reunion show, the button man needs the business. It is so nice spending time with people all on the same wavelength. To bad ya gotta drive a 100 miles, an hide in the woods. It ain 't my fault.
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