
Healthy Body Talk


The Valley British West
Anguilla Indies


Sally O'Neill, B.Sc., B.Sc.N., R.N., M. Sc., is the director and facilitator of Healthy Body Talk. She has specialized in sexual health education, peer supervision, counseling and consultation for over twenty years. Since the conception of Healthy Body Talk in 1996, Sally has taught thousands of children, teachers and parents about a wide variety of sexual health issues. She models open, honest, often humorous and sensitive communication to encourage sexual comfort and responsibility. Sally has presented papers at international, national, provincial and municipal conferences. She has been a guest on several call-in question and answer shows and her workshops and sexual health school curricula have been featured on television and radio broadcasts. Sally is the sexual health expert on a comprehensive parenting website, She also answers questions from senior school students through a Toronto independent school's virtual discussion board and is, therefore, privy to the concerns and questions of teens.

For the 2005-2006 school year, Sally has accepted a position as Assistant Dean of Students at The York School, an independent school in Toronto. Sally will continue to provide evening parent workshops, train-the-trainer workshops for teachers and consultation but will be unable to deliver sexual health school curricula.

What's Hot? 22nd Annual Guelph conference and Training Institute on Sexuality (June, 2000). Differences in Gender Development: Implications for sexuality education.

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