is Support community for people dealing with grief.


GriefNet - A Community of Persons Dealing With Grief, Death, and Major


"Mourning is not forgetting . . . It is an undoing. Every minute tie has to be untied and something permanent and valuable recovered and assimilated from the knot. The end is gain, of course. Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be made strong, in fact. But the process is like all other human births, painful and long and dangerous."

My training, my experience, and my love is to assist people with their grieving. Like most grief professionals, I came to this work by accident. In the middle of one of this country's first conferences on death and dying, the memory of my grandfather's death was suddenly uncovered. He had died when I was seven, and I was told "Don't cry around your grandmother. It will just remind her of Papaw."

I did not yet know that the recently bereaved are never without the thought of their loved one. So I grieved in hiding: in my closet or under my covers at night. I also grieved in my nightmares, my terror of the dark, of elevators, of strangers, and of the snakes under my bed which lay in wait for me every night. Until finally, after endless days and nights, my grandfather returned to me in a dream, dressed as an angel with huge wings, and said, "Don't worry. I am doing lovely work in heaven."

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