Philadelphia Class Action & Tort Law

About Golomb & Honik

At GGolomb Spirt Grunfeld P.C., our practice is built on a long-standing history of success in both individual and class action litigation. Collectively, our lawyers have spent decades representing clients from all over the country against some of the nation’s largest corporations—just a few of which include Mattel, JP Morgan Chase Bank, Suzuki, Bank of America and Sterling Financial Bank. In many of these cases, our attorneys were able to recover tens, if not hundreds, of millions of dollars on behalf of our clients. Over the last 30 years, Golomb Spirt Grunfeld P.C.has amassed an impressive track record that includes more than $1 billion in verdicts and settlements. Whether our client suffered losses from deceptive financial services, a dangerous drug, toxic exposure, medical malpractice or a defective product, we have never been afraid to stand up to big business. In fact, our team has gone head-to-head with various banks, pharmaceutical companies, hospitals, credit card companies and auto manufacturers – and won. If you would like to learn more about the team at Golomb Spirt Grunfeld P.C., please do not hesitate to contact our office at (215) 985-9177. We offer free case evaluations to all potential clients.

   * Personal Injury
   * Toxic, Environmental, and Pharmaceutical Litigation
   * Class Action Litigation
   * Commercial/Consumer Litigation

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