
Homeschooling and Classroom Educational Materials


Golden Education Centers only sells materials that are of the highest quality, educationally sound and the most beneficial to the growth and development of students.

Since 1985, the authors and staff working at Golden Educational Center (G.E.C. Publishing) have written and published unique, specialized and very creative educational materials. The authors are all highly experienced classroom teachers and researchers, with post-graduate degrees in various educational fields.

As present and former teachers, G.E.C.'s authors realize that teachers rarely have time to read long and complicated directions on how to introduce new activities. For this reason, our materials only have about a half page of teacher instructions to read before students can be given the material to complete. Activity page instructions for the students are also concisely written. All of the materials developed by G.E.C. are appropriate to use with Learning Disability/Resource Room students, as well as with regular classroom and homeschool students.

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