

Programming forum and web development forum


This site is totally dedicated to knowledge sharing and you can search for forums for already answered queries or start a new thread in a respective forum on the questions that are bugging your mind and sit back and relax as experts and specialists from all over the globe come to your rescue with their expert advice and solutions.

Practical advice and solution from an experienced specialist makes a world of difference to a difficult or technical problem whose solution may not be so easy to find. The site provides advice and opinions by members to questions coupled with a vast variety of tutorials and articles related to programming.

Shabbir is the founder, Administrator, and runs Go4Expert. He is application and web developer as well as devoted to the optimization and usability of the code and is a C++ addict.




37/2 Dr. Suresh Sarkar Road,
Kolkata, West Bengal 700014 India


Shabbir Bhimani

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