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Steve Gilbertson was born in 1953 in a small farming community in southern Minnesota. Steve became familiar with local wildlife at an early age even though few people had ever seen a bluebird, the area abounded with robins, swallows, and native sparrows. Raccoons, skunks and feral cats were also in abundance. Like many farm boys, he began to understand the relationships surrounding all these creatures --including the painful ones between some mammals and birds. An empathy soon developed for these feathered friends. In 1968 the family purchased 200 acres of semi-wilderness in the big woods of north-central Minnesota. The seemingly endless forest, broken up only by the many lakes and occasional dirt road offered still more opportunity to mesh with the natural world around him. A bluebird? He'd seen a great many blue jays, usually after their loud raucous warning to all the animals within earshot that a human was nearby! He never cared much for blue jays.
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