
GeriFan - A Geri Halliwell Fansite


Welcome to GeriFan! My name is Shan and I'm the owner and webmaster. It's been a crazy trip to this point, I've met some amazing people through my Geri site, and I'm sure I will meet many more (Imagine becoming friends with someone and then one say saying "I used to run Halliwell House", to which they reply, "I used to visit that site everyday!" Creepy.) This was my first site, Geri. I've learnt everything I know starting right here. One nite in the late summer of 1998 I was going to bed one evening and realized that I wanted to create a Geri Halliwell site. But I wanted to do in the proper way, so the next day I began teaching myself the basics and soon a really bad site was off the ground. But I stuck to it and learned more and more every chance I could get, 7 years later and I'm still learning everyday. I went to college for it, got the degree, the job, and I'm still learning. Geri will forever be an influence in my life for the simple fact that if it weren't for her I may not have started this site, which led to my career choice. The site had humble beginnings, but now with proper funding from my proper job it can offer so many things that it couldn't before.

Probably the most amazing fact about this site is that it started out with someone who had no knowledge of web design, who lived in the USA, and who didn't even have a computer, and for a moment in time, it beat all the other sites to the top. Pretty amazing eh? I brought the site back this time because the fans needed a great site that they could go to. When I left it seems that most of the other sites left too, and all the fans didn't have a good resource to visit. So now I'm back ... but then you always knew I would be.

GeriFan.Com was created and launched in June 2004. The site was orginally created under the name "Halliwell House" in August 1998 and was hosted at, Halliwell House then moved to Geocities after Beseen began overtaking the site with ad space. The site remained on Geocities for quite some time, but soon Geocities couldn't hold the mass amount of information and media that Halliwell House was requiring. By this time the site was picking up amoungest the fans and making homes on people bookmarks all over the world. Halliwell House needed to finally be a "real" website. Two wonderful gents who ran "" at the time offered Halliwell House ample webspace to host the site. And that's where the site remained for several months. While located at, Halliwell House got it's first domain., a quick address for fans to easily remember and visit. Not long after getting the domain Halliwell House moved to a new server, the owner's first server InTheBlueBox.Com. Finally Halliwell House moved to it's own server years after starting out, At this point Halliwell House also obtained the domain Geri-Halliwell.Org. Halliwell House closed in the spring of 2002.

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