
Genealogy Software News


Our main goal is this: Provide a one-stop source for news about the latest genealogy-related software releases, reviews, and articles. Between this site, and, which is going to be a comprehensive database of genealogy-related software, we hope to help people figure out what software is best for them.

To make money? No. Very few people make money with one or two websites, and all of us are happy with our day jobs. Plus, this is a hobby for us. Trying to turn it into a full-time job for one or more people could very well take the fun out of it, as all too many people who have turned their hobbies into jobs have found out. Going from simply having advertising cover the costs of running the site (bandwidth and hosting) to a full-time business could also bring its own headaches and stress (relying on a single website for one’s income brings could bring tremendous stress).

Well then, what’s the reason? The concept for GSN was born out of frustration from having to look through twenty or more sites to keep up on things related to genealogy software (more like several dozen if you want to keep up on just 60% or so of the genealogy software out there). Sure, there are guides out there for genealogy software, but they are obsolete all too fast.

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