
Welcome • W. L. Garrison School


This site is dynamically generated using only open-source server-side software. As the management of content on these pages is accessible to certain administrators, faculty, and other members of our community, there is no single author of this site, however the CMS and other aspects were designed and implemented by Jared Alessandroni at the time of his employment with the school. All pages and content on this site are property of Garrison School, Bronx, NY.

The scripts that manage the content on this site use PHP and are built on a MYSQL database. The original scripts, images, and layout of this site were created by Jared Alessandroni.


Whois information is public, but in response to some people wanting to keep their contact information private, many domain name Registrars offer a "privacy" or "proxy" service to mask the domain name owner. This domain is most likely using a proxy service.

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