Title mobility|media|ubicomp|life by gene becker


I live in the silicon sprawl about halfway between San Francisco and San Jose, in a temperate microclimate bounded by a fog belt on the north, and the seasonal desert on the south. Asphalt and oak trees, monster homes and cheap neon franchises. I got here by way of upstate New York and Boston, places where they have real weather and real history, but mostly I don't miss that stuff. I have a garden and a dog and an old cat that used to be a world class hunter, but now she's a blind, crabby old lady. I have a family full of love and all the other stuff that you get in that bargain, which makes me about the luckiest person on earth, if somewhat undeserving.

In my day job I worry about new computing technologies like ubiquitous computing and utility computing, for HP Laboratories. My most recent gigs have been a web-based ubicomp architecture/vision called cooltown, and a utility computing service model for 3D CG animation.

A long time ago, Vicki and I got to calling each other Fred, and it has stuck even after all these years. This site is published and served from our house, so there you go.

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Becker, Gene
Menlo Park CA
United States 94025

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