
EscortWatch UK


Over the past year to eighteeen months numerous smaller multi purpose industry boards have opened warning sections (often in flagrant breach of the data protection act) in an attempt to increase traffic rather than supporting a central repository of important and potentially life saving information. This proliferation dilutes both the effectiveness of Escortwatch, and the flow of information to the extent that those who need it may no longer be able to search it out. It is my opinion that this fragmentation does not serve the industry well, and I sincerely hope that no-one is hurt as a result of information which may have prevented it, not being centrally available.

As Escortwatch is no longer functioning as a (at least partially) definitive resourse I feel that leaving it in its present form serves no-ones interests. Additionally the site has not really recovered from the period offline after a sustained denial of service attack last year, and now seems to attract a large proportion of flyposting advertisers and spammers who have no regard for the site or interest in its aims or rules.

The site will be back in conjunction with punterlink in a new format, and with a very different focus in a couple of months, meanwhile may I say a big thankyou to those who have loyaly supported the site over the years,




RJN Design
Silsoe Bedfordshire

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