Title - Your host for quality adult websites

Description is a host for quality adult websites.

We provide premier hosting exclusively to adult websites. We at are webmasters that have hosted Adult web sites for years. We have been in your position, hosting with companies that either charge too much, are never around when you need them, or companies that do not care about the individual and are just looking to turn huge profits! We decided that it was not fair that people should have to be on "plans". From our experience we either did not reach our total that we were paying for, so we lost money, OR we went over our "Plan", payed a big "Overlimit" fee and lost money! Either way we lost money! "Plan" and "Overlimit" are words that you will not see from us.

There are still a lot of companies charging for disk space! We don't think that is to fair either, so we don't do it! Of course there are limits! This means you cannot be pushing 2Gb a month and be storing 200GB!! As long as it is reasonable, there will never be a charge. Yet another first from



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