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ECCB 2006 - 1st European Congress of Conservation Biology (Eger, Hungary)


The organisers of ECCB has made it a priority to raise funds to help support attendance. Different forms of awards are available. Because we hope to assist the maximum number of participants, most, if not all supportees will be partially funded (e.g. registration and/or accomodation, but not travel). Only student dormitories will be offered. (Those, supported delegates who would like to stay at a hotel – rather than a dormitory – are kindly requested to cover their own accommodation cost.)

Please fill in the application form (download from, and submit it preferable by e-mail no later than 15 May 2006 to András Báldi (, fax: +36 1 3342785). Scanned version is ok. E-mail subject line must be: "ECCB Support Application". Attached application form name must be "ECCB Support_Familyname Firstname".

• Applicants should be a member of the Society for Conservation Biology - European Section. If not, please apply for membership first at, for only 10 USD. Non-members will be exceptionally supported, and are expected to join the society at the congress, where SCB will operate a booth.

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