EbayAuctionAds.com Search for the most popular auctions.


Ebay Auction Ads


Excerpted from the website:

This site is powered by AuctionAds. They provide site owners with an easy way to search the vast product content of ebay and put ads on their web sites in the form of small image and text ads. The system is as easy as most network advertising systems we have seen, but because you can select the ad formats and keywords to target the ads to your site, you have some measure of control over the type of ads that are displayed.
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Additional Information

Doesn't eBay Have An Affiliate Program?

eBay has an affiliate program, but it was a pain to sign up and use with Commission Junction, and it only paid for new eBay members. Auction Ads are as easy to use as AdSense, but in general pays more than the old eBay program. This is possible because AuctionAds offer a higher tier of revenue from eBay, due to their higher volume and to get the program started they don't keep any of the revenue. The ads are also geo-targeted, so visitors to your web site from different countries are taken to their own version of eBay if they should click on your ads.

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