

Make Money online through HYIP's and other nontraditional investments - Drunk's guide to internet investing


My real name is Leo di Milo and I live in Memphis, Tennessee. This is how I got involved in alternative investments.

I remember the day when I first was introduced to HYIP's. A friend and I were talking when she casually brought up her and her father were planning on investing in a offshore company that promised to pay 2% daily and that it was compounded daily as well. I just couldn't believe it. " What does it do to make a return like that? " I asked. She wasn't sure. " You do realize how much even $1000 would become in just six months? " I retorted. She just smiled and nodded her head. She said that her father, who sold dental equipment to dentists, had a dentist friend who had invested in this company and had pulled out nearly 200k in just two years. She didn't know much about it, only its name and website.

When I got home that night, I googled the name and looked at the website, started investigating it through all sorts of links and just happened onto a forum that listed HYIP's and what not. Soon I discovered that there were hundreds of these sites offering basically the same percentage rates and some were offering more. Was this a scam? What exactly did these sites do to promise this ? I had dozens of questions and for the next month, it became my obsession. In that month, I learned that indeed most were scams but some did last and there were people making money on them. At that point, I decided to invest and it has been good ever since. I am still learning but I feel like this could be a good source of revenue IF you play them right and recognize the ones that pay.

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Memphis TN
United States 38104

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