The official DJ Z-Trip website2007



Hey everybody, Sorry for such long gaps between updates, I've been crazy busy. In the future I hope to get these out a little sooner. Anyway, I'm in Australia at the moment with Supernatural doing the Good Vibrations tour. We are killing it out here! (I’ll have pictures soon). Shout outs to my homies Delta and Katalyst for the hospitality, and for taking me digging. (AUS has really dope records people!)

There's a lot to catch up on, yet I'm sitting in the hotel waiting to go to sound-check, so I'll have to fill you in a bit later, sorry.

Before I go though, I will drop this on you. The results from the contest/giveaway we did (way back in the day, remeber) are finally done! WHAT! Here is the link BAM!

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italiano (Italian)


dj z-trip
Los Angeles CA
US 90039
(415) 267-3971

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