offers nationwide delivery of Chicago style deep dish pizza


Lou Malnati's Priority Pizza Chicago Deep Dish


We collect information about our users in two different ways, implicitly and explicitly. We learn about our visitors implicitly through the use of log files from our web site and e-commerce shopping cart. Additionally, we collect personal information in order to fulfill users' requests for additional information on our product line, and in the course of taking orders in our shopping cart.

When you order from us, we ask you to provide your name, company name, billing address, telephone number, email address, as well as credit card information. In addition, we request the name, company name, billing address, telephone number, and email address of the person you wish to ship your order to.

The log files of our e-commerce shopping cart and web site reports on visitor information like user IP address, browser, most popular pages, referring page, as well as information about operating system, browser versions, screen resolutions, and color settings. This information helps us optimize our site for the best user experience. In addition, our website uses cookies to store information about your shopping cart.

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