CyberDen - Internet Radio Show, music


CyberDen: Music and Sound Design services since 1990


Relocating back to the Los Angeles area in May 2008

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In 2006, CyberDen opend it's door as the largest computer gaming center, nightclub and cafe all under one roof in the USA catering to all kinds of players - be it the hardcore tournament player or the wet-behind-the-ears noob - we love you all as we were all noobs once :)

The name "CyberDen" was created back in 1982 for use as the name for a BBS (Bulletin Board System) accessible only by modems (you young'ins haven't a clue have you?) by those into the undergrouond electronic music and geek computer scene. It was also registered as a domain name back then before the World Wide Web even existed to the public so it could carry a series of USENET groups.

Over the years it turned into a full blown music web site as well as an All or Nothing site, always with an ear on the cutting edge of the fringe music and technology scene. Today is no exception as CyberDen is now a physical entity that still represents today's modern electronic movement be it in entertainment, music or just plain geekdom.

UPDATE: In May 2008, CyberDen closed it's doors forever and the website is returning back to Peter's original Music and Sound Design home where he continues to work on video games, films and his own music through his band: Xorcist.

Extra Tidbit: The PS/2 game TimeSplitters (Made in 2000) is also known for a room in the game called The CyberDen. Hmmmmmm.... thanks guys for using our name!

Edit by the founder of

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