
Costa Rica Vacation Rentals:Costa Rica vacation rental by owners


Nature is Costa Rica's green card. Wildlife diversity and exceptional landscapes merge in a long list of untouched lands and protected areas that will get you involved in as many Costa Rica expedition activities and adventure sports as you can imagine when enjoying a Costa Rica nature vacation.

Costa Rica is unusually blessed by the diversity of it's butterflies. There exists about 20,000 butterfly species worldwide. Of these, about 1,000 or 5% can be found in Costa Rica.

With more than 850 species of birds, all found within a tight geographic area, Costa Rica offers birders of all levels of expertise an unrivaled bird watching experience. Birders out on the trail in Costa Rica's forests should keep an eye out for mixed flocks foraging on certain types of food, especially fruit, in the forest canopy.

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cumming ga
United States 30041

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