ConsensusPolling:What do we do if we cannot agree?




What do we do if we cannot agree?

In situations were we cannot agree and it seems difficult to reach a decision, discussions and listening can be very useful.

Consensus Poll Listener

Anyone can be a Consensus Poll Listener (more than one per consensus poll is fine, and even encouraged).

A consensus poll listener helps participants come to agreement by helping them articulate their concerns more clearly, either by directly editing the document, or in a discussion section. Specifically ...

What does a listener do with the NotYets?
  • Actively listens to the concerns of the participant.
  • Articulates the issues of the participants in a clear way.
  • Helps participants in changing the document, so that it coincides with their viewpoints (see EfficientlyExpressedSuggestions ).
  • If needed, the listener edits the document in a way that takes into account multiple people's concerns and then contacts those people to ask them if the document now satisfies their issues.
What does a listener do with the Yesses?
  • If we're having problems coming to an agreement, encourage the YES status folks to say more about their reasoning and their process of coming to YES .
  • Encourages participants to become listener.
  • Guides and helps the participants who are willing to listener.


We need examples of these points.

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